Application Record for Fellowships
Independent Research Fellowships that I have applied for after my PhD are listed as follows.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the PIs who encouraged me and have written research proposals with me to apply for these highly prestigious independent early career fellowships, which lifted my capacity of doing independent yet pioneering research. I am also in debt to all my academic referees whose supportive references have significantly helped enhance the bet of my applications.
Do not be discouraged by the following rejections, if you wanna apply for these fellowships, just do it! The core thing is to find a very strong PI who is willing to support you, and then wish yourself a good luck.
UK-Based Early Career Fellowships
Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellowship (Supported by four IEEE Fellows, including two Fellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering) - unsuccessful - 2023. $\rightarrow$ The panel did not provide a decision letter for those unselected. [Proposal]
Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 Research Fellowship in Science or Engineering (Supported by three IEEE Fellows, including one Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering) - unsuccessful - 2023. $\rightarrow$ The panel did not provide a decision letter for those unselected. [Proposal]
US-Based Presidential Postdoctoral Fellowship
All reviewers are positively supportive, but unfortunately, not selected by sponsors in the final meetings for any of the following two cycles. I appreciate these two role models a lot, as their tailored mentoring plan and insightful comments on my proposal have really inspire me in all good ways. I would be so proud of having these opportunities working with them, for my whole life!
Virgina Tech’s Presidential Postdoctoral Fellowship (Supported by one IEEE Fellow and one advisor from Quantum computing regime) - unsuccessful - Cycle 1, 2023. [Reviewer Comments] [Proposal]
Virgina Tech’s Presidential Postdoctoral Fellowship (Supported by one IEEE Fellow) - unsuccessful - Cycle 3, 2022. [Reviewer Comments]